25th December
I'm a tad early (just after midnight here in the UK) but Merry Christmas to anyone reading this.

This is just a progress update and is very likely the last one of the year. The next S5 episode has been coming along gradually, not due to any problems. It's mainly because I've been catching up on everything non-FV since the 4th. I fancy doing some writing over the holidays, however I doubt there will be anymore releases this year. Unfortunately I actually released my safety net episode (Worse Case Scenario 2) on the anniversary as thanks to Within Reach, I didn't have as much time to complete a backup for it. It's not a big deal, I prefer that a S5 episode got priority over the reboot, that's the point. All it means is I'll have to finish two instead of one, so yeah I doubt I'll do the next two Season One reboot episodes in a week. Anyway updates:

Site Updates

Coming Soon has been updated with the Speaking In Riddles progress. It's looking good. It's much easier to write than the last three, that's for sure ^_^

In the History section the Season Five trivia's been updated with primarily Within Reach info.

My next update will probably be next year, so I wish everyone a happy new year. I hope 2015 is a better one for all.

4th December
Fourteen years ago today I launched Fifth Voyager and the first part to Aggressions on Geocities (who?). It has come a long way from that. It has taken nine of those to get where it is today. I only hope that this time next year I'll be either celebrating or already have celebrated the last episode. Who knows what 2015 will bring. Hopefully it will be better as 2014, despite the recent slowdown, was a lot more successful than 2013. The year started out on a high with Unforgiving, Try Harder Next Time and Heaven Sent releasing in quite a short space of time. Well to be honest Season Five as a whole has progressed nicely. I wanted to get a couple of episodes further than I have done, but considering that episodes 19 & 20 were originally the two specific ones I wanted done by now, I can't complain.

Speaking of Season Five, we're now in the 20's episode number wise. If you think about it, it was stuck on episode 7 just over two years ago. Considering how slow I write and some of the episodes that have been released in it, I think I've done all right. I can't wait to share what I've had planned for the final lot of FV episodes since 2005 (at most. The season's based on an old novel idea of mine after all). It shouldn't be long now.

New Episodes

Season Five, Episode 20: Within Reach

Reboot Season One, Episode 09: Worse Case Scenario 2

New Material (episodes with new scenes)

Reboot B4FV Season Two, Episode 19: Sweet Sensation (a lot of the plot rewritten / old scenes edited)

Reboot B4FV Season One, Episode 01: Caretaker Part 2 (completely rewritten but it's still only a tiny part to a much bigger episode)

Site Updates

Last but definitely least, I usually cook up a new design for the site on the anniversary. This year I haven't bothered. I do really like this design, it was a nice little tribute to the original design for one. The main reason is that I didn't have much time left after writing, which is far more important than the way the site looks. I really had no new ideas for it anyway. In the new year I may have a go but for now the design stays as it is with a few very minor changes.

18th November
Just a few weeks to go until the site's fourteenth anniversary and of course I'm worried sick about it. I had good plans for it but I didn't expect to fall so behind in the last two months. This episode should be the last one released until then, which if you're new here is the 4th December. I usually create a new design for the occasion but I'm very fond of this one so I may keep it to save time as well. The content itself should be my top priority anyway. It's time to catch up. Speaking of which, I do need to explain what the hell took so long here. Skip to the actual updates below this if you're not interested.

I am grossly underestimating the size of these episodes lately. Parental Advisory was going to be a one parter and it's not like I strayed from the plot either. It was always a two parter, I just didn't see it until it was too late. Bounds of Illusion's situation is much more ridiculous. Without spoiling anything, Bounds is a Season Five story arc episode. In other words an episode slot devoted only to the season's storyline and not an episode in its own right. It's there to continue the story, wherever I am at that time (like Shadow was). The slot itself was going to be later. However with Parental Advisory ending up the size it was, some of that's story had to be moved into whatever episode was based after it. That episode was Speaking In Riddles, one of the few episodes left with a fully planned out plot. I created an extra slot, stupidly assuming that some of the story can be told as a one parter and I can continue it after Riddles. This isn't a repeat case of me mistaking a two parter plot for a one parter. No, you'll see from the episode that a lot of things had to go there that lead to other things, and so on. This isn't a one episode situation anymore, this episode is now two and not two single ones either.

It would be like me assuming that the Season Four finale plot was capable of fitting into one episode. There's a reason I picked three. I should have known better.

You see why it's taken me so long to release anything? I've been writing two episodes, not one, and one at least is a two parter... which I had to restart from scratch as I wasn't happy with it. This is the problem with writing a plot for an entire season, it's hard to figure out where the episodes should begin and end. I'm fortunate that a lot of the story so far has been told in specific episodes like Death of the Soul and Try Harder Next Time. I should have done the whole season like that, instead of just most. It's okay. There's really only one slot left, or there should be as long as the second episode goes okay. Everything else that's planned tells the rest of the story, thankfully.

Oh a minor note the banner I created for this episode(s) has one minor issue with it now that it's two. Like the finale, they're going to have to share a banner. That one took quite a while to get right and for the most part fits with both episodes' storyline. I didn't want to make a new one for Bounds just for one tiny problem that most people wouldn't really notice or care about. I hope haha. Luckily though Bounds of Illusion had other possible titles, even during the banner's creation so I had a few copies of it with the different titles. I'm just worried it'll make me look lazy and I have enough on this site proving that already ^_^

New Episodes

Season Five, Episode 19: Bounds of Illusion

Site Updates

Season Five's episode listings has been altered yet again. You know why ^^ I'd never consider this entirely official, everything that has a title is and that's that ^_^

Coming Soon's updated with the latest progress. I wrote that giant article a few days before the update and this today, so it's not as bad as I thought. Famous last words.

History has been updated with the following: cutscenes from Yesteryear, cancelled episodes, the trivia page for Season Four, and Season Five's & B4FV3's have been updated.

Multimedia has a new desktop. I hate to admit it but it was a one I found online, so I'm likely in the wrong for placing it here. However the theme of it suited the Season Five storyline wonderfully and I just had to share it. If the owner ever complains I'll take it down. I don't claim desktops I haven't made as mine anyway but hey, it's only fair.

And that's that, I'll be back on the 4th December with hopefully some more material. Fingers crossed haha.

21st October
I'm afraid I've got some bad news, or good for some. Long story short, the long one comes later, the next episode had to be restarted. As of this update it's back to the length it was before I did this.

Long story is that thanks to Parental Advisory being a huge episode, some of the stuff that needs to happen in the story arc had to be skipped until the next episode. Unfortunately though Bounds of Illusion's plot was busy enough as it was. Basically the episode had a huge setup leading into it, so big in fact the setup itself was getting close to Queuing Forever's length. The skeleton version of QF was originally just the setup for Death of the Soul in the old days, so I was a little concerned. More importantly the setup had bored me senseless and my will to continue writing the episode had disappeared. Like with QF I had preferred writing a rebooted Caretaker than Bounds, that's why a part 2 was completed recently.

I figured I had to do something drastic or I'd fall further behind. I say that as if there's a public schedule or something, but the truth is I do have a one I keep to myself. It's not that bad, I'm doing better than last year and I reached my yearly goal a month or two ago. However it still bugs me. As usual I have plans for the site's anniversary in December, and if I lose another few weeks I may be in trouble. It's still do-able for now as long as I don't get stuck/bored again, haha.

Site Updates

Coming Soon has been updated with the reset Bounds of Illusion completion percentage. I'll try to keep you up to date. I've also added the following episode Speaking In Riddles, which proves that I was eager to get out of that long, long setup Bounds of Illusion was doing. It should be okay now with the new plan for it.

The History page has the trivia for Season Three now, which I wrote a month or so ago.

7th October

Site Updates

Coming Soon has been updated with progress from Bounds of Illusion, Sweet Sensation and Caretaker (Part Two). Yeah I didn't believe the last one either. It's not that hard to improve my version of Caretaker, haha.

25th September

Site Updates

Coming Soon has been updated with progress from Tales of Voyager, Sweet Sensation and more importantly Bounds of Illusion.

15th September
Well that's another reboot episode completed, so that means the previous one is up online. I'll likely get back onto Season Five this week.

Edited Episodes

Reboot Season One, Episode 08: Collective Instinct

Site Updates

Season Two has its own Episode Trivia section in History. Yeah I do keep doing these instead of writing new material, it's not good.

11th September
I swear, I didn't realise it had been so long since the last update. Time flies when you're not having fun. Anyway as I promised 3 damn weeks ago, I've decided what to release next. I guess it has taken a while because I was trying to cheer myself up with a reboot episode, despite being more in the mood to continue Season Five. On that note the next S5 shouldn't be depressing, but it's still not as "upbeat" as the Season One reboot is. So yeah, anyway the next episode should be the already finished Collective Instinct as soon as Worse Case Scenario 2 is finished (again). After that I'll likely go back to Season Five. Unlike the last entry, I'm looking forward to getting my teeth/fingers into the next episode. Worse Case 2 has helped me cheer up a little, at least while I'm writing it anyway, so it has done its job.

Site Updates

Coming Soon updated with some progress.

The Episode Archive has been edited slightly. I thought it was about time I got rid of the reboot table at the top and rewritten the info at the top.

For some reason some B4FV2 episodes had the wrong Next/Previous Episode links. They still linked to the originals over the reboots. That's been fixed. I dunno why it was those particular episodes, never mind.

There's some more stuff added to History. This time there's some information in the B4FV3 and Reboot Season One's sections of Episode Trivia. Also I don't think it was ever mentioned, but the original Season One has a page there now too. Every page is a work in progress still.

21st August

Site Updates

Coming Soon's little error with episode 19's title and synopsis has been fixed. I don't know how I got mixed up either *shrug*

The home page has been updated with the next S5's episode banner.

19th August
I apologise for the wait, though I'm saying that assuming there's anyone here so meh. I've had a rough couple of months so writing's been a little slow. I guess that's obvious since after Five's release, updates ground to a halt. First I gave myself a week off for my birthday in June which was a mistake, the only work I did during that was check through Five and release it. Then I made the mistake of trying to FV-ise The Killing Game, I wasted a week on that only to cancel it. Sometime in July though other things were starting to pile up and well, the pile fell down (to put it mildly). Anyway!...

I'm hoping it doesn't show in the latest episode, as while writing it my state of mind reverted back to my writers block days where I'd think everything I did was awful. I won't be able to properly judge it until I'm better. Parental Advisory was one of those episodes anyway, so at least I haven't wasted its story with my bad mood, everything in it was always planned. I'm just worried that it hasn't been written as well as the last few episodes (well for me anyway). No worries, I'm not going to go into any further detail. I just wanted to get my concerns for the episode out there just in case it isn't just me.

The episode itself I wasn't expecting to be long enough to have two parts, but it was. Hopefully the next few won't have that problem. Next is either another Season Five episode or I'll attempt to get my good mood back with a Reboot episode. I'll update once I know, well maybe not right away but I will. This time I won't let my crippling lack of self esteem turn into a proper writer's block again. I won't, not when I'm this close to finishing Season Five. Nine episodes to go.

New Episodes

Season Five, Episode 18: Parental Advisory

Site Updates

During my stuck/bad arm phase in July (oh yeah that was one of the things on the pile heh), I added a little stuff to the Season Five Trivia page in History. Nothing much.

There's also a slight edit to one of the Deleted Scenes entries. I was so close to actually being able to add said deleted scene, but never mind, there's just info instead.

Season Five's listings have been updated with the new episode title for episode 19. Although the title can still change, it had two other titles I liked so... We'll see. All of them are spoilerific, so even if I had picked one of them before, I couldn't announce it anyway. The synopsis isn't the official/finished one either. I want to leave the latest episode up a bit before writing a better one.

19th July

Site Updates

I just can't help myself, the Episode Trivia pages have been formatted differently as I wasn't happy with it. There's still huge paragraphs in it but hopefully it looks a little better.

Season Five's listings have been edited.

10th July
Well despite a few setbacks I've finally got a "new" episode for you today. I'm already working on the next one so hopefully it won't be too long until the next proper update. Though I should warn the zero people that visit that I have recently hurt my right arm. I can still write, it just means I have to have more coffee breaks haha. Just in case it gets worse I figured it would be a good idea to mention it. Anyway you're here for updates not me whining.

New Material

Reboot Season One, Episode 07: Mirror Universes

Site Updates

History now has a Reboot Season One section in the Episode Trivia. Also there's some notes about the cancelled episode The Killing Game in the appropriate section, as well as some information in the deleted scenes part.

Reboot and the Season One section has been updated since there's a new release, nothing too special.

30th June
Time's definitely flew by since I finished Five. I wanted to take a week off at least, but I didn't factor in getting stuck on what to do next. The FV version of the Killing Game was the biggest problem and I had a feeling it would be. In the end there's no need for it. I couldn't figure out how to change it enough for it to be worth it, and when I did it was just awful. I've still got it so it'll likely appear in the History's Deleted Scenes section eventually.

Its replacement is the very thing it was meant to replace, and that was Timeless and The Fight. Both episodes come close to Hunters' god awful level. However unlike that they can be saved like I've done with Unforgettable and Mirror Universes... at least in theory they can. As the two episodes are supposed to be based in Voyager's fifth season and I've done my best to keep parody episodes in their proper season/year with this reboot, I've delayed the episode for a while. Mirror Universes is still the next episode to be released here, but the next one I write/edit will be Collective Instinct.

You can see the changes in the appropriate sections.

Site Updates

Coming Soon's progress updated

The main Reboot page has been updated with information about Episode 8 ^, the Reboot Season One list has also been changed.

History has been updated with deleted scenes and trivia.

13th June

New Episodes

Season Five, Episode 17: Five

Site Updates

Coming Soon and Season Five listings are up to date now that a new episode is up.

History has been updated slightly, and expect a few more updates with that. I have so much to talk about now that Five is up, but not yet.

One month was all it took to write an episode that not only was my toughest episode to date, but overtook the two giants of the series and left them standing. Five is the longest episode of Fifth Voyager to date and I feel I must point out yet again, it only took me a month.

To compare...

Closing of the Eyes
Time: Two and a half months, at least. A few edits were made upon completion.
Writing Difficulty: Pre-block, but at a time where I was taking my time to write what I wanted, not what I thought I could.
Episode Length: 33,354 words
Combined File Size: 600kb

Death of the Soul
Time: Six yea... months. Time to write six months, took to get started and release six years.
Writing Difficulty: Post-block
Episode Length: 54,087 words
Combined File Size: 671kb

Time: One month, give (not take) 3 days.
Writing Difficulty: Post-block
Episode Length: 59,890 words
Combined File Size: 725kb

I usually use the file sizes to get an idea how big episodes are, this is the first time I've done a word count and I'm shocked. The difference between Closing and Death was only 70kb, but that somehow is over 20,000 words. Death and Five have a 50kb difference but Five's only 5,000 words longer, which is nothing. Just goes to show that these file sizes aren't an accurate way of comparing episode lengths. It doesn't help that Five's split into more parts than the other two. The word count still confirms that it is the biggest, but only just.

Now the only episode I foresee overtaking this monster would be the Season Five and series finale. Here's a scary thought, it's only nine episodes away. That's if I actually commit to only nine, if I need more "time" to continue the story arc there could be more. Even so the finale is within reach.

3rd June
I promised myself I wouldn't do another progress update for Five, but after it grew larger than Closing of the Eyes, I had to change the completion % on Coming Soon. Right now all it's got to compare to is the only episode bigger than it, Death of the Soul.

The finish line is in clear sight now, so hopefully it shouldn't be too long. Of course it's going to take me a few hours over a few days to check through it before it is uploaded. I'd say it'll be online sometime next week. Whether it goes up in parts over a few days or all in one go, I haven't decided yet.

29th May
This is just another progress update. It is good news though. As I figured the 200th episode is pretty damn big so far, only Closing of the Eyes and Death of the Soul are bigger than it at the moment. The first one took about three months to do, while Death of the Soul took six months, so yeah three weeks so far for Five isn't bad at all. I imagine it will be released early June if I keep writing the way I have.

20th May
I hope anybody who looks at the Coming Soon page doesn't think I'm in danger of slowing down to a writer's block again. It's nothing to worry about, really. The next episode is a complicated one, its beginning was still undecided on how it was going to be done, and it may end up being a long one. I gave myself a month time frame to do it, and excluding the odd days during Shadow's writing, I'm only a week through it. Once I eventually get to the third act, so to speak, it should pick up. As I said, the beginning's been tough to sort out and naturally cos of that it's been rewritten in places.

Obviously this is just a progress update, but I feel I had to explain why it was taking so long. Yeah Heaven Sent and Shadow took a while too, but that was in comparison to Unforgiving and Try Harder Next Time which I'm still surprised I finished so quickly. HS I knew would be tricky, there was no getting around it. Shadow, I'll not go there.

The next three episodes after Five aren't as bad/hard, so they shouldn't take as long as the last three episodes have. I hope not anyway. I'm not worried, including Five there are only ten episodes left to go in the season. There's not much left, I'm actually worried it's not enough. Season Five did have a lot of filler removed from it to shorten it down, just in case I needed more episodes to complete the story arc. For now there's only ten left.

 Site Updates

Reboot Season One has been updated with the new title and information for episode 8.

Coming Soon has been updated with two episode's progress.

History has had quite a lot added to it. If you've kept up to date with it, look out for older entries with a New plastered on it as they've been updated.

28th April
I wanted a little time between Heaven Sent's release and Shadow's, but this isn't what I had in mind. I did have the 29th down as a worst case scenario date, going past that would ruin my planned date for the next episode, Five. To be honest the episode could have been released over the weekend, I just have a lot going on between that and tomorrow, I was only free today.

Now I'm not sure if Season Five is going be the next release, I had a break in mind with Reboot One, it really depends on how easy either episode is to get into. It's too soon to tell. I have made a start on "Five" but it's a long one that needs careful planning, and in true 200th fashion, needs a lot of research/reminders. Even I don't remember everything little thing that happened in my own series, it is fourteen years old this year (yikes).

Anyway, enough blabbering. Here's what's new.

New Episodes

Season Five, Episode 16: Shadow

Site Updates

History has been updated with trivia and deleted scene information from Try Harder Next Time and Heaven Sent. More will come on one or both of them soon, when I (don't) have a half hour to spare to write it.

Coming Soon naturally has been updated.

17th April
Sorry it's been a while since my last update. Progress has been a bit slow and I've been a bit busy on other things, what with tests to study for and get paid for work to do. I know, it's terrible ^_^ I've updated Coming Soon with the progress that has been made since the 24th, but that's really it for the time being. Hopefully you'll see another update this month, haha.

24th March
Another new entry to Season Five is here, finally. It's only taken three restarts, too much editing, a writer really out of her comfort zone (you'll see what I mean if you read it) and a few Season One reboot episodes to keep said writer insane in the meantime, to make this possible. I never thought I'd get to this one, let alone finish it so I hope it doesn't show. As I said, this episode was never going to be my style but it had to be done.*

New Episodes

Season Five, Episode 15: Heaven Sent

Site Updates

Reboot page updated; I keep forgetting to do so everytime a new Reboot episode is uploaded. Oh well, nothing major.

Season Five's episode list updated again, this time with an unofficial synopsis for episode 16.**

20th March
Here's another progress report update. I knew the episode I'm currently writing would be another tough one, just like Death of the Soul was, so I'm not worried. It's doing well now just slowly, it shouldn't be long until it's finished. As long as I don't decide to rewrite it again it should get a March release.

Site Updates

Coming Soon updated

Season Five's episode list updated with episode 16's new title.

15th March
As I expected the next Season Five episode has been delayed a tiny bit. I wasn't happy with the first (and second) draft so I've started again. Not from scratch mind you, the original still exists as there's a lot in there I still need. It's okay though as I didn't expect to start Heaven Sent until at least April. Of course since I don't actually have a public release schedule anymore there was no reason to report this, but maybe I'm getting a little more honest in my old(er) age. Coming Soon's percentage for this episode will be slightly off until I've caught up to where I was in draft one.

10th March
This is just another update to fix yet another mistake I've made. In the three days since I uploaded said mistake I doubt anyone's noticed or has even been here to notice anything. Sometimes it's nice to be unknown ^_^

Site Updates

Episode Archive mistake fixed.

Coming Soon has been updated with today's progress.

Season Five's episode list/synopsis has been minorly edited. Some synopsis were originally altered to avoid spoilers for the last S5 episode, now that it's been out for a few weeks its safe to put them back. I was going to reveal episode 16's title but I've had second thoughts with it. It just doesn't have a ring to it and I noticed that while faffing around with a banner for it. So yeah for now it's still Title TBA, sorry ^_^

8th March
I told you it wouldn't take very long. The edit of the episode Mirror Universes was finished in two and a bit days. I was a little stuck on a few scenes in the next S5 episode so I figured why not? This means that the backup episode gets released today. I wouldn't worry about another Reboot Season One episode appearing suddenly anytime soon, the next one I've got to do is The Killing Game which is new to me. I'm still debating what different stuff I want to do to it, it's got a lot of potential for parody, if I decide to go down the parody route at all. Anyway Season Five should continue next.

Oh yeah and I've edited the below update. Unforgettable was never a "new" episode, it was an edited one. Honestly I forgot that I make a distinction like that on this page. Oops. Today's is correct so no worries.

New Episodes

Reboot Season One, Episode 06: Four Out Of Five

6th March
As I mentioned last week, the new episode today is Unforgettable. It's so far the only good example of what I have planned for most of Season One's reboot, as unlike the last previous four it's still got a lot of the original in there. Edited episodes just fix the minor issues I have with the original, fix mistakes, in some episodes cases give them endings and make them a bit longer than before. The next reboot one is a complete newbie, but the one I'm working on next is another edit. For today though...

New Material

Reboot Season One, Episode 05: Unforgettable

Site Updates

Coming Soon has been updated yet again.

The FAQ page that is only linked via the home page has been updated. Nothing too thrilling.

History has been updated to detail a few more deleted scenes.

Reboot Season One's page has been updated, only to fix a tiny but embarrassing mistake I made. For some reason I had the title Mirror Universes wrong. Oh well.

27th February
Another episode joins the finished ranks today, unfortunately though I haven't uploaded it yet. This one is a reboot episode and all it'll be doing is replacing the current back up episode, Unforgettable. As I've had two important Season Five episodes online this month, one of which was released only last week, I'm going to wait a bit before I upload it. This update is just here cos I like to well... update on episodes progress when I can.

The plan now is to continue Season Five. I ended up writing the recently finished reboot episode instead of that as I was in the mood for a silly episode, and it'll really show when it eventually gets uploaded. It will be released when the next reboot episode is finished, luckily the next one is an edit episode so it shouldn't take long to do.

February's been a good month for writing and I hope it continues into March. If it doesn't I'm happy that I've finished three episodes, whereas this time last year I was still busy with the first release of that year; Death of the Soul.

20th February
It's only been two weeks since the last episode was released, but the next one is already finished. It was ready to be released on Sunday the 16th, but I decided to hold it back a while to give Unforgiving the spotlight. Better not get used to it, I think this was just a one off.

Truthfully the episode was far easier to write than I ever imagined, so I'm over the moon. As their releases are so close together, I've left Unforgiving on the home page alongside the new one. It's still new after all.

New Episodes

Season Five, Episode 14: Try Harder Next Time

Site Updates

Coming Soon has been updated with my progress so far. Things are looking good... touch wood.

12th February
The next episode is already in progress, thankfully it didn't take me as long as I feared to start it off. Obviously this is mainly a progress update, but I do have a tad more.

Site Updates

Coming Soon is up to date as of today, work should hopefully continue tomorrow.

History has been updated with some information about the latest episode, Unforgiving. If you're not up to date with that, I recommend reading about it afterwards. You should find it all in Episode Trivia and Cancelled Episodes.

6th February
2014's first episode is the extremely tough to write Unforgiving, the thirteenth episode of Season Five. After um... thirteen years S5 finally reaches the half way point. Yikes. No matter it's good news anyway despite the thirteen references. If things continue the way they are 2015 seems like a realistic end date for it. Yeah that may look pretty bad, but it's still better than the original end date of never. You never know, episode releases could actually pick up, who knows? With the upcoming S5 episodes it won't be anytime soon.

New Episodes

Season Five, Episode 13: Unforgiving

Site Updates

Coming Soon and the Season Five listings have been updated; nothing too huge, just an update now that there's a new episode.

27th January
I am running a tad later than I hoped, work problems and a tough episode make a deadly combination. Bare in mind that a lot of the time I write while I'm at work (data entry really shouldn't be a "9-5" job), so if something happens there writing is usually out of the question for the day. I did have a slow start at the beginning of the month as I wasn't sure which episode I fancied starting first, that doesn't help either ^_^

Anyway the next episode's coming along nicely but slowly. I keep telling myself that I'm already doing better than last year; I didn't release any new material that year until April. Unless something terrible happens like the episode deleting itself (which does happen often nowadays. Luckily it only happens whilst saving and it can easily be rescued by saving it again) then the next episode should be out by February at the latest.

Site Updates

I've found the deleted scenes from Meets the Eye so they've been added to the History section.

Coming Soon has been updated with the progress I've made.