The Curse Is Unleashed

James and Jessie woke up to the sound of Craig's frantic voice.

He kept tapping his commbadge. "Morgan, answer me!" he yelled. Jessie and James sat up.

"What's going on?" James asked.

"Would you stop yelling, my head hurts," Jessie moaned as she placed her palm against her forehead.

"Morgan, she's disappeared. I've looked everywhere for her," Craig replied. James stood up.

"Have you tried that underground tunnel?" he asked.

"No, it's too dark to see in there, I was waiting for you guys to wake up. I thought it would be better if we didn't split up," Craig replied.

"Jessie, how's your foot?" James asked.

"I don't know, it only hurt when I stood on it," Jessie replied. She slowly pulled herself to her feet. The pain was still there, but it was bearable. She nodded at the two guys.

"We'd better get some flashlights from the Flyer," James said.

"Forget the flashlights, I'm bringing rifles," Craig said and he headed towards the shuttle. James and Jessie followed him.

"What the hell for? There's nobody else here," Jessie asked.

"I can't make contact with Morgan, if she is underground it shouldn't make much of a difference. I think those Maji jerks have her," Craig replied.

"That's a possibility," James muttered. They all reached the Flyer, and they went inside.

There was not a stroke of light in the underground passage. Two light beams shone on the wall in front of the steps leading down to the passage. The light got closer and closer.

Craig, James and Jessie made their way down the steps. James and Craig both had phaser rifles, the light was coming from the top of them. They all headed further down the dark and creepy passageway.

"This place seems more creepy than it was yesterday," James muttered.

"Wuss," Craig said quietly.

They entered the room where the well was. The room had a creepy feel to it, all they could hear was the sound of water dripping against stone.

"It is more creepy, I wonder why," James said.

They all heard what sounded like hail stones hitting the dry ground just above them. The three stopped in their tracks. The sound died away like if it was moving away from them.

"Er... what was that?" Jessie stuttered.

"Sounded like bugs," Craig replied. Jessie and James both shuddered at the thought of it. Craig rolled his eyes and headed towards the next door. James and Jessie followed him.

They continued down a long narrow corridor. The light couldn't reach the end of the corridor so the three had no idea where it ended. James spotted the door that led to the coffin. He walked in, Jessie and Craig followed him.

"Is there a reason why we're coming in this room?" Craig asked. James looked inside the coffin.

"Er, guys!" he said loudly in a frantic voice. Jessie and Craig rushed to his side.

"What?" Jessie said questioningly.

"There was a corpse here yesterday," James muttered. Craig and Jessie looked inside the coffin, it was visibly empty.

"I think we should go back to the shuttle," Jessie stuttered.

"You two, stop being wimps. Probably the Maji stole the body to make us think the wrong thing, just to frighten us away," Craig said in an angry voice.

"That could be what happened, but I've had a bad feeling about this place ever since my first trip down here," James muttered.

"Come on, we can't leave without Morgan anyway," Craig said and he headed back towards the door. Jessie and James looked at each other nervously and they followed Craig through the door.

They walked further down the corridor. The tunnel split into two. They stopped at the cross roads.

"What should we do now?" James asked.

"Split up," Craig replied.

"In case you haven't noticed, a team of three can't split into two without one team only being one person," James said.

"Nothing can be more scary than Morgan disappearing, I'll be fine," Craig said.

"I take it you want to be on your own," Jessie muttered.

"Yes, exactly," Craig replied.

"Fine. We'll meet back here in ten minutes," James said.

"Right," Craig said and he headed down the corridor. James and Jessie headed down the other corridor.

"Jessie, can you remember what happened last night?" James asked quietly.

"I don't remember much, nothing interesting happened, why do you ask?" Jessie replied.

"No reason, just remind me to drink with you guys from now on," James said.

"Oh, we couldn't have been that bad," Jessie muttered. The pain in her foot increased again and she leaned on the wall for support. Suddenly it opened like a door and she fell through it. Then it closed again.

Jessie landed on the hard sandy ground. Her foot now wouldn't stop aching.

She saw a ray of light shining from a flashlight only a few metres away. She pulled herself over to it. The light was getting dimmer by the second. Jessie picked it up and she looked around the room. Nothing was there.

She dropped it back on the ground and it span a little as it hit the ground. It stopped and Jessie noticed it was shining on somebody's unconscious form. She pulled herself closer to it. It was Morgan. Her head was bleeding heavily, and face was deeply scratched. Jessie fought back the dizziness that came over her.

The light finally went out completely and Jessie found herself in total darkness. She couldn't even see herself, let alone anything else. That was when she heard the sound of foot steps. The sound was only a few metres away from her.

The noise became closer and closer to her. Another noise joined the foot steps, it was like somebody was breathing normally but with a damaged throat. As both sounds got closer, Jessie's fear increased. She pulled herself back the way she came until she hit what felt like a stone wall. The sound increased until it was so close that Jessie could sense whatever it was, was standing just a centimetres away from her.

Craig came to a sharp corner. He heard voices coming from around it. He backed up against the wall and he briefly looked around the corner. About five Maji officers were standing, discussing something. Craig stayed where he was, not daring to move.

Suddenly he heard a scream coming from the Maji officers. Craig looked around the corner again. Literally thousands of black bugs that were the size of mice had covered two of the Maji officers. As soon as a few of the bugs cleared Craig could see what was left of the Maji officers; charred flesh and ripped clothing. The bugs started running after the other Maji officers. Craig decided to run back the way he came. What he didn't know was that the three Maji officers were only metres behind him.

James was standing next to where Jessie disappeared. He kept trying to push it open like Jessie did, with no luck. He heard a familiar scream echoing through the corridors. He turned around to see where it was coming from. He saw Craig running towards him, but instead of stopping he just ran straight passed.

"And he called me a wuss," James muttered. Then he noticed the three Maji officers running towards him, being chased by the bugs. One was attacked by them and eaten alive. James started running after Craig. "Craig, wait up!" he yelled.

"No way!" Craig yelled.

James noticed Craig running straight passed a door. James opened it and ran in through there, he entered a dark empty room. He saw Jessie on the ground. He ran over to her and helped her to her feet, but she couldn't keep her eyes off something in front of her.

"We have to get out of here, there's these horrible big bugs," James said in a frantic voice. He then noticed she was staring at something in front of her. He turned to see what it was. "Oh shit!" he stuttered.

Standing in front of them both was the corpse that he and Morgan saw yesterday, but it was most definitely alive.

They saw Craig running through a door behind the corpse. He screeched to a halt when he saw it.

"What the hell!" he yelled. The corpse turned to look his way and it looked back at Jessie and James.

Craig saw Morgan on the ground in front of him. He saw that she was hurt and he grew angry.

The corpse started to talk, in a damaged voice. "Finally, after three thousand years, I have found what I've been waiting for."

Craig aimed his rifle at the corpse. Jessie and James saw and they started shaking their heads.

"Ah shut the hell up!" Craig yelled and he fired at the corpse. It fell to the ground. Craig picked Morgan up and ran back the way he came. Jessie and James looked at the corpse, it was still moving. They ran out too.

After running for five minutes they finally reached the steps leading up to the surface. They reached the top, and they were greeted by a not too friendly sight.

About ten Maji soldiers were aiming rifles at them, so they had to stop. The Maji Captain pushed through his soldiers and he walked up to them.

"I told you to leave, you didn't listen. Now you've killed us all," he said.

"What the hell was that thing?" James asked.

"It is not safe here, we'll go to our ship. I'll explain when we get there," the Maji Captain replied.

The Maji ship was standing next to the Delta Flyer. Craig, Jessie, James and Morgan were inside the ship, with about eleven Maji.

"You mean there's another one like that?" Craig asked.

"Yes, she'll be in the neighbouring city still, where she was buried," the Maji Captain replied.

"What do they actually want?" James asked.

"The planet," the Maji Captain replied.

"That's always the case, isn't it," Craig muttered.

"The only reason Iinan put the king's daughter under his spell was so he would rule the planet," another Maji person said.

"So, who's the incarnations?" Craig asked.

"We know for certain the younger girl isn't Unu's, she was obviously rejected," the Maji Captain replied as he looked Morgan's way.

"The older girl must be Unu's incarnation," the other Maji person said.

"Me, why are you so certain?" Jessie asked.

"The two would only arise if both incarnations are in the area. And the ancient scripts said that Unu's incarnation would be a woman," the Maji Captain replied.

"What would happen if only one incarnation arrived at the city?" James asked.

"It would never happen. The ancient scripts prophesied that both incarnations would visit the area in this century, and they would be ones that would stand out, and be noticed. Aliens do stand out from the crowd on our planet, that's why we've stopped the passage of ships inside our space for the last seven decades," the Maji Captain replied.

"So is Iinan's incarnation me or James?" Craig asked.

"There's no way to tell without another confrontation with the creatures," the other Maji person replied.

"That is why you must all leave this planet immediately. The creatures will not be able to regenerate if their incarnations are not here," the Maji Captain said.

"We can't. Our shuttle is badly damaged, it'll take days to fix," Craig pointed out.

"We can assist with your repairs, right Arden?" the other Maji person said as he looked at the Captain.

"Yes, we can. It will quicken repairs if we just focus on the propulsion systems," the Maji Captain replied. An alarm went off. All of the Maji officers rushed to the nearest stations. "What is the problem?" Arden asked.

"Captain, the prophecy is becoming reality. A worldwide storm has just developed out of nowhere," one Maji guy replied.

"The end is nigh. If we don't destroy the curse we will all be destroyed," Arden said.

"Evacuation is impossible now. The storm will vaporise any ships that goes near it, also transporters and communication are not working," the first Maji guy said.

"How can you destroy the curse?" James asked.

"That is not your concern, if you all leave this area there will be a greater chance of survival," Arden replied.

"I think you should answer his question, we may be able to help, since we did cause all of this in the first place," Craig said.

"This was all prophesied three thousand years ago, there was nothing we could of done to prevent this. Our own interference caused this to happen. If we hadn't of attacked your shuttle you would have landed somewhere else," Arden said.

"I'll ask again, how do you destroy the curse?" Craig asked.

"We need the Book of the Living, but it's being missing ever since the Borg attacked our homeworld two decades ago," Arden replied.

"Where was it last seen?" James asked.

"In the third city in this area, Naptwo," Arden replied.

"Then what do you do with it?" Craig asked.

"If the right passage is read, then the curse will be lifted. Unfortunately the book is in ancient Majien. Only a fraction of the population still know the basics of it, and we can't contact anybody when communications are down," Arden replied.

"Did the Borg assimilate any of your people?" Jessie asked.

"Yes, they assimilated an entire continent, why do you ask?" Arden replied questioningly.

"Because three of us are Borg, if you have a copy of anything in that language we may be able to read it," Jessie replied.

"Morgan was with Borg for thirteen years, she may know more of the language than you two do," Craig said.

"But she's in a coma, it looks like that Iinan guy literally threw her into the wall," James said.

"Her wounds are treatable," Arden said and he looked over at Morgan. Two Maji officers were already treating her.

"I suggest we repair our shuttle and take it to Naptwo, then find the book," Craig said.

"But you can't stay in this area, they'll find you," Arden said.

"Face it, anywhere on this planet is dangerous for us, and we can't exactly leave," Craig said.

"He's right," James said.

"We'll take our ship, it'll be quicker than taking your shuttlecraft," Arden said, he looked over to a guy at a console. "Set a course for Naptwo when the others are onboard the ship," Arden commanded.

"Yes sir," the guy replied.

"The others?" Jessie muttered.

"Yes, they're still in the tunnels, let's prey that they're still alive," Arden replied.

The two Maji officers finished treating Morgan, and they woke her up. She quickly sat up, she looked around, she calmed down when she saw Craig, Jessie and James.

"Where are we?" she asked.

"We're on a Maji ship, believe me it's safer than the city," Craig replied.

"Don't tell me that icky thing was real, it's bad enough seeing a still dead body, never mind a walking talking one," Morgan said.

"The icky thing you speak of is Iinan, he has come back from the dead," Arden said.

"He's still icky," Morgan muttered.

"Morgan, do you know any ancient Majien?" Craig asked.

"A little, why?" Morgan asked.

"Because we need you to read from the Book of the Living to get rid of the curse," Craig replied.

"What curse? What's going on?" Morgan asked. Everyone groaned. Arden prepared to tell the story once again.

"That story sounds familiar, I wonder where I heard it?" Morgan muttered.

"Does it really matter," Jessie moaned.

"No, not really," Morgan replied.

"By the way, how did you end up in those tunnels?" Craig asked.

"I don't know, I just woke up in them. I remember having someone else's dream, which was about Harry. Then I woke up in the middle of a dark room. That's when I saw that weird thing. Eew, it was creepy," Morgan replied.

"Hmm, you must sleepwalk," James said.

"No I don't!" Morgan grunted.

"Well explain how you got into those tunnels then," James said. Morgan didn't hear him, she was too busy thinking. She pulled a disgusted face.

"Eew! Emma fancies James!" she yelled. Everyone looked at her funny.

"What?" Jessie and James grumbled.

"Oops, wrong James. No, that's even worse, she likes her brother who's called James," Morgan said. Everyone felt rather sick. "Nope, sorry Lilly's brother. Eew, he's a freak," Morgan groaned.

"How do you know it's Emma?" Jessie asked.

"Who else would it be," Morgan muttered in response.

Suddenly everyone heard screaming coming from outside. Nearly everybody ran over to the window. They saw two Maji officers running out of the tunnel entrance. Right behind them was two corpses. Morgan cringed and she turned away from the window.

All of a sudden the two Maji officers melted and the two corpses body's regenerated. Everyone heard what sounded like two people collapsing. They turned to see what happened. Jessie and James had fainted, Morgan was still cringing in the corner.

"Looks like I'm the only strong one here," Craig said and he turned back to look out the window. He screamed like a girl when he saw what the two corpses looked like now.

"So the stories were true," Arden muttered.

"How, come they look exactly like Jessie and James?" Craig asked in a trembling voice.

"Because they must be Iinan and Unu's reincarnates. Ancient scripts say that the reincarnations would look exactly like them, but I never believed it," Arden replied.

"Is it safe to look yet?" Morgan asked in a trembling voice.

"Yeah, if you have want to have a heart attack like I almost did," Craig muttered in response.

"We'd better power up the ship, we have to leave," Arden said and he nodded at the guy at the helm.

"I thought you said they would use their reincarnations to regenerate," Craig said.

"If they use other people they will regenerate, but only temporarily," Arden replied.

The ship rose from the ground. It turned towards the mountain that stood next to the city. It's engines powered up and they flew forward.

"They will not get away from us," Iinan said, he raised his arms into the air and a huge cloud of sand emerged from the ground. The cloud rose higher and it followed the Maji ship.

"Oh... my... god," Craig stuttered as he looked out the window. Morgan walked over to see what he was worried about.

"Oh crap, what the hell is that?" Morgan muttered. Arden walked over too.

"It's a sand storm, and it's much larger than normal ones," Arden replied.

"That means we're ok, a sand storm can't do us any harm, right?" Morgan said. Everyone looked at her with worried expressions on their faces.

"Morgan, we're near a mountain, and we have no shields," Craig muttered.

"Oh, forget I said anything," Morgan said quietly. Jessie and James finally woke up and they stood back up.

"Please tell me that two decaying corpses didn't regenerate to look like us," Jessie said.

"Er, that's the least of our worries," Craig muttered.

The sand cloud hit the ship causing it to lurch forward violently. The cloud swallowed the ship up, and it headed down towards the mountain.

"We're heading straight for the mountain, fast!" a Maji guy yelled.

"Crap, we're going to die, I'm way too young to die," Morgan moaned and she sat down on the nearest chair. The ship started shaking extremely violently.

"I can't die without..." Craig muttered. He walked over to Jessie.

"Er, I can't think of anything for you," Craig muttered. He turned to James. "You're a jerk, and I hate you," Craig said quietly.

"Oh, thanks," James muttered. Craig went over to Morgan.

"Morgan, I love you," Craig said. Morgan groaned.

"Like she didn't know that already," James muttered. Jessie nodded in agreement.

"Oh thanks Craig, thanks for making my last few seconds awkward," Morgan groaned.

"Don't say your last words yet, there's still a way out of this," Arden said, he rushed over to another console.

He keyed in some commands, and a strange beam was fired at the city they left. Iinan and Unu were nearly hit by the blast. The sand cloud Iinan created fell back onto the ground.

"Captain, we're still picking up speed, we can't land at this speed," the helm guy said.

"We have no choice!" Arden yelled. The helm guy nodded at him nervously and he continued working.

The ship crashed onto the ground, it skidded forward really fast until it hit the city walls. The ship finally grinded to a halt after smashing through the city walls and upturning the roads.

Arden, Craig, Jessie, James and Morgan were standing in a small room. Arden was sorting out what kind of weaponry they had. He gave them all a rifle each.

"I and two crewmembers will search the underground tunnels. You four should split into groups of two, if the two reincarnates separate it'll make it harder for Iinan and Unu to capture you both," Arden said.

"I'll go with Jessie, after what happened the last time I teamed up with James, I cannot bear to do it again for a while," Morgan said. Craig groaned.

"That means I have to put up with him," he moaned.

"Oh, grow up Craig," James muttered.

"You can talk," Craig said.

"Yes I can talk, I've been able to talk for twenty seven years," James said.

"That's not what I meant," Craig growled.

"I knew what you meant," James said.

"Would you two stop acting like six year old boys," Morgan moaned.

"Ok, anything for you Morgan," Craig said.

"Ugh, I'm going to be sick," Jessie muttered.

"Don't you start, Jess," Craig said.

"Can we just go already. Iinan and Unu will have captured these two, regenerated and took over the planet by the time you've finished arguing," Morgan muttered.

"I'd probably get more sense out of a dead guy anyway," Craig said.

"Take that back," James said.

"No, why should I?" Craig grumbled.

Morgan, Jessie and Arden groaned.

"Should we go without them?" Arden replied.

"Yeah," Morgan muttered in response. Arden, Morgan, Jessie and two Maji guys walked through the airlock.

"If you don't I'll punch you," James said.

"Ooh, I'm scared," Craig said sarcastically.

"You should be, Tom had to get replacement nose bones because I punched him so many times," James said.

"Show off, I could do that," Craig muttered.

"Oh for god's sake, would you two stop arguing!"

"Morgan, I can't help it. He won't shut up," Craig moaned.

"I'd rather have Iinan kill me to regenerate than put up with you," James muttered.

"See what I mean!" Craig protested.

"Stop provoking him, we both know what happens to people who do."

"Oh fine, let's go," Craig said and he walked out the airlock. James cleared his throat, and Craig walked back in. He picked up his rifle and he walked back out. James shook his head and followed him out.

Morgan and Jessie walked into a small building. Morgan spotted something, she walked over to it. It was a large box that hadn't been opened. She opened it easily and she looked inside.

"Jess, I've found something!" she yelled. Jessie rushed over to her side.

"What is it?" she asked.

"It's a book," Morgan replied and she pulled out a heavy black metal book. She looked at the cover. "Damn!" she exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Jessie asked.

"It's the wrong book. I think the title says the Book of Death," Morgan replied.

"Sounds nice. Maybe we should take it to the ship anyway," Jessie said. Morgan handed the book to Jessie, but she nearly dropped it.

"Oh it's heavy," Morgan said and she walked through the door.

"Now she tells me," Jessie muttered and she followed Morgan out.

James and Craig headed towards a large building. They both heard footsteps not far behind them. They turned to see who was behind them.

"Shame on you, men are supposed to greet every woman who passes by," Unu said in a sweet voice. She pointed her hands out towards Craig and James. Suddenly a wall of fire surrounded them. Unu giggled like a little girl. She then walked closer to them. "Men who aren't polite should be punished. That's my motto," she said.

"Tell me, is that Jessie or Unu, I can't tell?" Craig asked James. He just groaned in response.

"Speaking of which, where is she?" Unu asked.

"Why should I tell you?" James asked.

"Oh, don't be like that, you meanie," Unu replied in a soft voice.

"God, she's softer than Jessie," Craig muttered, which was followed by a punch in the face. "Ow, what was that for," Craig moaned.

Unu was suddenly hit in the back by a phaser blast. She screeched.

"Don't do that, that tickes!" she giggled and she turned to see who fired on her.

"Change the setting," Morgan said.

"I'm working on it, cut me some slack," Jessie muttered as she fiddled with the rifle.

"You know, this is just too easy," Unu said. Iinan arrived and he put his arm around Unu.

"Well done," he said calmly. Unu giggled and she kissed him.

"Ugh, I'm going to be sick," Craig muttered. Jessie and James stared angrily at him. "It's just like seeing you two kissing," Craig muttered. James punched him again.

Iinan walked over to Morgan and Jessie. He easily pulled the rifle off Jessie. He looked at Morgan, she was holding the black book.

"The Book of Death, thank you for finding it for us," Iinan said and he tried to take the book off her. Morgan punched him with her available hand. He stumbled backwards a little. He smiled at her. "This one is strong," he said.

"Duh," Morgan muttered. Unu walked over to her.

"Let me try," she said, she pulled a knife out of nowhere and she slashed Morgan's face with it. Then she stole the book off her easily. She handed the book over to Iinan. "That wasn't so hard," she said with a giggle.

Morgan lost her temper and she stormed over to Iinan and Unu. Iinan pushed out his hand, all of sudden a shield surrounded Morgan, stopping her from moving far.

"All right, you bastard, let me out of here, now!" Morgan yelled.

"What would be the point in that?" Iinan asked, and he smiled at her. He then grabbed a hold of Jessie by the arm, he then kept a tight grip on her so she couldn't get away. "Unu, let down that firewall, we need our other sacrifice," Iinan commanded.

"Okay, your wish is my command," Unu said, she held out her hand towards the fire wall. It disappeared in an instant. Craig rushed over to Morgan. Unu walked over to James, and she took a hold of his arm. She tried to pull him but she couldn't. "He's heavy," she moaned. Despite the situation Morgan tried not to laugh.

"That's insulting," James muttered.

"Oh come on, come with me, or I'll have to hurt you," Unu moaned.

Iinan walked over to Unu, pulling Jessie along with him. Iinan gave Unu the rifle and he took the knife off her, and he held it at Jessie's neck.

"Come with us, or she'll die," Iinan said.

"If you kill her, Unu won't be able to regenerate," James said.

"That's a good point, but I can still hurt her," Iinan said, he held the knife near her face instead. James pushed Unu into Iinan, and they both fell to the ground. He went over to Jessie, and he helped her up. Craig rushed over and he picked up the rifle that Unu had held.

Iinan and Unu stood back up. Iinan walked over to Craig, he hit him and he fell to the ground. He then picked up the rifle and he quickly aimed it at James and Jessie.

"Make another foolish move and I'll shoot," Iinan said. He looked over at Unu. "Take them, one at a time," Iinan commanded.

"But that guy is heavy," Unu moaned. Iinan groaned, he quickly handed the rifle to her.

"I'll do it then," Iinan said, he walked over to the pair. He took a hold of Jessie's arm, and he tried to drag her away from James, but failed.

"Let go of her, or I'll shoot her. Even if she's dead for fifteen minutes we can still use her as a sacrifice," Unu said. James let go of her, and Iinan dragged her away.

"If I let go of her to get him, she'll try to escape," Iinan said.

"What should we do?" Unu asked.

"We can come back for him," Iinan replied. The shield around Morgan faded away and she rushed over to Craig, he was unconscious.

"Hang on. Do you want to have some last words?" Unu asked Jessie.

"This should be amusing," Iinan muttered, and he dragged Jessie back over to James, and Morgan. "Say what you want, be quick, and don't try anything stupid," Iinan said. Jessie looked at Morgan.

"Sorry, can't think of anything," she muttered. Morgan shrugged her shoulders.

"It's ok, I wouldn't know what to say either," Morgan said quietly. Jessie looked at Craig, he was still unconscious. She then looked at James.

"Morgan, you wouldn't mind blocking your ears," Jessie asked.

"Nah, I don't want to hear any last words," Morgan replied and she blocked her ears with her hands.

"Erm, this isn't going to be easy but... "Jessie muttered.

"Hurry up!" Iinan yelled. Unu just giggled.

"I'm going to have to say it, or I never will. Erm, I just want you to know that, er, I love you," Jessie said quietly. Iinan dragged her away.

"Time's up, lovebirds," he said. Morgan quickly jumped onto her feet and it took all her strength to hold James back.

"Woah, calm down!" she muttered.

"We'll be on our way now!" Unu yelled. Iinan dragged Jessie away, Unu followed. They disappeared into the distance.

James pulled himself out of Morgan's hold on him.

"Why the hell did you hold me back!" he yelled.

"Look, did you want them to shoot her?" Morgan asked.

"No, but I could of gotten her back," James muttered.

"Oh come on, we will. We never lose, right?" Morgan asked. They both heard a groan from the floor. "See, he agrees," Morgan said.

"I hope you're right," James said.

"Well, I'd just like to say that blocking ears never works. So, congratulations," Morgan said.

"Morgan, she's just been taken away by people who's going to kill her," James muttered.

"So? If you're going to be like that, then you're going to die too," Morgan said. Craig woke up, and he slowly stood up.

"Did I miss anything?" he asked. James and Morgan glanced at each other and they groaned.

"Come on, let's get back to the Maji ship, we can try to come up with a rescue plan," Morgan said, she and James headed back to the ship. Craig just stood their like an idiot.

"What's going on? Where's Jessie? And where did those circus freaks go?" he asked.

"Come on, Craig!" Morgan yelled. Craig eventually followed them.